On Saturday the History Talks lecture series continues at the Mount Airy Museum of Regional History with a free presentation about Eng and Chang Bunker, the famous Siamese Twins, and how their families were affected by The Civil War.
Tom Perry, local author of more than 30 books and a regional historian, will present the lecture at 2 p.m. on the third floor of the Mount Airy Museum of Regional History. The event is free and no advance registration is required.
The focus of Saturday’s presentation is Eng and Chang Bunker’s family and how they were affected by The Civil War, including Christopher and Steven, the sons of the Bunkers who enlisted to fight in the war in Virginia. Both sons were in the 37th Virginia Calvary Battalion.
Stoneman’s Raid came through Surry County in April of 1865, and Perry said he wants to address the “many stories and myths” about some of the men in the raid who visited the Siamese Twins.
Read more: Mount Airy News - Saturday History Talk focusing on Siamese twins Civil War